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Amtrak EMD E-9A Locomotive #465

[Amtrak EMD E-9A Locomotive #465]
[Amtrak EMD E-9A Locomotive #465]
[Amtrak EMD E-9A Locomotive #465]
[Amtrak EMD E-9A Locomotive #465]

Built from a Model Power E-9A body shell and fuel tank (modified) with Samhongsa powered trucks and scratchbuilt frame. Based on an ex-Southern Pacific E- 9A photographed at the Great Northern Minneapolis, MN station in 1976. Body modifications are side portholes filled in and openings made in grille area on sides. Details added are roof flasher, horn, see-through grilles on winterization hatches, roof ice breakers, grab irons, back-up light, windshield wipers, Farr grille on sides, MU hoses, coupler cut bars, pilot/snowplow, MV lenses in headlight, back-light and marker lights. Constant voltage lighting unit illuminates headlight and marker lights. Powered by Canon can motor with flywheels.

Sides, nose, windshield wipers, flasher base and MU hose ends painted "Platinum Mist" silver. Roof, end, pilot, top of nose, steps, frame, fuel tank and trucks painted black. Couplers painted rust. Lettered with Microscale decals. Dimensions: 9-3/4" L x 1-3/8" W x 2-1/4" H, weight: 17 oz. Only one model available.

Amtrak EMD E-9A Locomotive #465 $249 + $20 shipping (in United States only)
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