[PrairieWorks Models Logo]

Milwaukee Road Bi-Level Commuter Control Cab/Coach
[Milwaukee Road commuter control cab/coach]
[Milwaukee Road commuter control cab/coach]

Built from a Three Brothers Manufacturing kit. Additions are: control cab interior with engineer, headlights, windshield wipers, end grab irons, grab irons by center side doors, MU hoses, roof horn, MV lenses in headlight, warning light and marker lights, scratchbuilt floor and McHenry couplers. Headlights illuminated with two LEDS with resistor (monodirectional). Ends, frame, doors and trucks painted aluminum. Control cab window grommets and MU hoses painted black. Dimensions: 1-3/4" L x 1-3/8" W x 2-3/16" H, weight: 9-1/2 oz. Only one model available.

Milwaukee Road Bi-Level Commuter Control Cab/Coach $75 + $13 shipping (in United States only)
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