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Milwaukee Road EMD GP-40 Locomotive #2048

[Milwaukee Road EMD GP-40 Locomotive #2048]
[Milwaukee Road EMD GP-40 Locomotive #2048]
[Milwaukee Road EMD GP-40 Locomotive #2048]
[Milwaukee Road EMD GP-40 Locomotive #2048]

Built from an Athearn GP-40 body shell and trucks and frame/fuel tank is scratchbuilt (with details added). Based on a prototype photo. Details added are lift rings (brass), radiator fan housings (brass), cab (Cannon & Co.), roof flasher, horn, headlights (with MV lenses), marker lights (with MV lenses), grab irons, handrails (Smokey Valley brass stanchions soldered to brass wire), radio antenna, sand filler hatches, coupler cut bars, MU hoses, MU cable connectors, snowplow, cab mirrors, windshield wipers, air filter (on frame), air tanks with pipes and all-weather cab window (right side). Powered with Canon can motor.

Orange painted on sides and ends. Black paint on 1/3 of upper sides, front and rear, roof, top of short hood, window grommets, lower sill, walkways, handrails/stanchions, pilots, MU hoses, frame, fuel tank and trucks. Coupler cut bars, handrail ends and snowplow grab irons painted white. Flasher base, ends of MU hoses, side window frame, outside of marker lights, windshield wipers and inside exhaust stack painted silver. Couplers painted rust. Lettered with Microscale decals. Dimensions: 8" L x 1-3/8" W x 2-1/4" H, weight: 12 oz. Only one model available.

Milwaukee Road EMD GP-40 Locomotive #2048 $185 + $20 shipping (in United States only)
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