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Trailer Train 85' COFC Flat Car #986543


Flat car was built from an undecorated Athearn kit. SIde and end sill plastic cast-on grab irons replaced with wire ones along with steps, and coupler cut bars added. Has Kadee couplers. Custom painted and lettered with Microscale decals. The 40' container is A-Line lettered for American President Lines and the 20' dry container is Roco and lettered for Lykes Lines. The 20' flat rack container is from an unknown manufacturer, has actual wood decking, a "machinery" load and lettered for American President Lines with Microscale decals. Dimensions: 12" L x 1-1/4" H, weight: 7 oz. Only one model available.

Trailer Train 85' COFC Flat Car #986543 $40.00 + $15.00 shipping (in United States only)
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