SUPERDETAILNG A WALTHERS BLAST FURNACE PART 1: While the Walthers Blast Furnace is a wonderful kit and the only one of its kind in HO & N Scales, it is rather thin on details and has a some errors.
This video shows how to transform a Walthers kit into something approaching museum-quality. Along the way you will learn scratchbuilding techniques and about the materials and tools needed to make outstanding models.
The video shows how to add tons of detail to an existing kit that includes walkways, handrails, ladders/cages, prototypical pipe bends and breeching, the left-off piping, three kinds of piping valves (goggle, gate and hot blast), gas burners, new top works pipes, stairs, walkways & explosion doors; casthouse floor detail & cranes; skip hoist stairs, walkways, cable sheaves and cables; and the highline. Finally the finished model is painted and mounted to the base with trackage. The presenter is Jeff Borne, known for his heavy industry HO-scale layout “Columbia River Steel Corp.”
Includes a self-starting CD with a presentation that plays like a book on a computer, which works in PCs (WIN 2000/XP/Vista/7) & Macs, with 290 photos and a list of parts used in the project. CD contents can be printed out. Video is 86 minutes long. $24.95 + $4.20 shipping (in the United States only) |